Anurak Tangpanithanon, a Pheu Thai MP for Mukdahan province, has been barred from working as a legislator, effective from yesterday (Wednesday), after the Supreme Court’s Criminal Division for Political Office Holders accepted a case alleging corruption, filed against him by Thailand’s National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC).
The NACC alleged that Anurak committed a gross violation of ethical conduct by demanding five million baht from the director-general of the Department of Groundwater Resources, in exchange for the smooth passage of the department’s budget through parliament.
The anti-corruption watchdog demanded that the court order the opposition MP to cease performing his duties, withdraw his voting rights and the right to contest an election for up to ten years, if he is found guilty by the court.
After having examined the evidence presented by the NACC, the court ruled that the evidence is clear enough to be accepted for consideration.
According to Section 235 (paragraph 3) of the Constitution, an MP must cease to function as a Member of Parliament as soon as the Supreme Court’s Criminal Division for Political Office Holders accepts a case regarding a gross violation of ethical conduct.
Source: Thai PBS World